
Tour d’horizon 2021: Pour partir l’année bien informé
Hortau vous invite à participer à une formation client, ouverte à tous, visant à vous permettre de maximiser l’utilisation de votre système Hortau, tout en

HORTAU APP Software Demo – NDVI & Maps
This video is a run-through of the NDVI & Maps within the Hortau App. Identify plant stress levels and active irrigations in real-time, both on regular map and on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) overlay.

Using soil tension to measure key states of soil moisture
Often, in science, when things aren’t fully understood, rules are chosen without real evidence. They are created to help give a benchmark to make research

Soil tension’s relationship to soil type & salts
What is soil tension and how is it measured? Soil tension is the amount of force necessary to remove a water molecule from a soil

Rehydrating soils after a loss in deep moisture
It is that time of year where the heat turns up and crops begin pumping water out at an ever-increasing rate. Some, too many, decide

Cracking Soils Indicate Localized Drought Stress
Why are your soils cracking? Commonly heavy clay soils develop cracks in the dry season as the soil profile dries out. The cracking is simply
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