
Water Use Efficiency: Cutting Out the Excess
By Travis Goldman Hortau’s polymer tensiometers have redefined how fields can be managed year-round with real time data. The power of knowing when a field

Using Soil Tension Data to Track Early Root Water Uptake
By Travis Goldman In the almond industry everyone is excited for bloom but to an irrigation advisor our excitement starts with root flush and early

Webinaire – Tour d’horizon 2022
De retour cette année, Hortau vous invite à participer à une formation client, ouverte à tous, visant à vous permettre de maximiser l’utilisation de votre

Post-Harvest Irrigation in Wine Grapes
By Travis Goldman Post-Harvest irrigation management in wine grapes is just as important as any other permanent crop. Despite the fact the vine is no

2021 CAPCA Conference
We will be exhibiting next week at the CAPCA Conference in Reno, NV. Come see us at the booth to find out how Hortau can

Programme Prime-Vert : Pour une gestion optimale de votre irrigation
Le programme Prime-Vert vise à accroître l’adoption de pratiques agroenvironnementales par les entreprises agricoles afin de contribuer à l’amélioration de la qualité de l’environnement et
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